Kool Tack Maxim Ultra Lite Glass and Plastic Cleaner (New) Item # FS-104010
Kool Tack Maxim Ultra Lite Glass and Plastic Cleaner (New) Item # FS-104010
Kool Tack Maxim Ultra Lite Glass and Plastic Cleaner (New) Item # FS-104010


Kool Tack Maxim Ultra Lite Glass and Plastic Cleaner

SKU: FS-104010
Manufacturer: Kool Tack

Cleans ALL types of glass and plastic, including Museum Glass®. Specially formulated to clean all specialty-coated glass and plastic as easily as cleaning regular glass. Makes mirrors sparkle. No alcohol! No ammonia!

  • UL-8   12 - 8oz bottles / case Ultra Lite Glass Concentrate (makes 1 gallon)
  • UL-4   12 - 4.5 oz. Spray bottles Ultra Lite Premixed
  • UL-16  12 - 16 oz. Spray bottles Ultra Lite Premixed

*Must purchase in case quantities.


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