Kool Tack Maxim Raven Black Wood Glue
SKU: FS-103010
Manufacturer: Kool Tack
Fill and bond corners at the same time. Sets up in 5 minutes with a working bond in 15 minutes.
Goes on grey then dries to a rich black finish. Makes a solid black corner without any filling.
Just glue and wipe clean while still wet.
- SKU Number: FS-103010 Max Raven - 4 oz. (16 per case)
- SKU Number: FS-103020 Max Raven - 16 oz. (12 per case)
- SKU Number: FS-103030 Max Raven - 64 oz. (8 per case)
- SKU Number: FS-103040 Max Raven - 128 oz. (4 per case)
*Must purchase in case quantities.
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